Liebster Award!

Hello! I was recently honored by my friend who writes the blog with the Liebster award. Honestly, yes, I am honored that he would think of me to pass this to as my blog is all over the place and has no real sense of direction or purpose. It did at one time, but because I have a chronic illness, it is always evolving. So, when I started off blogging, I was a gung-ho (asshole) photographer who wanted to tell my side of the story and why I wasn’t getting any breaks. This is when I realized that I was my only obstacle. Anyhow, Terima kasih friend! You have made this old, Grama feel like a cool kid! It has been cool discussing music and current events with him.

I know I suck but I am not going to pass this on. I will apologize for this one. I will leave the link up for the Liebster Award and why it was started as I do think that it was a cool idea. So, please go check it out. I looked for a link and just found tons of blog posts so check those out. Also, I did copy a couple of items from his post. Really, I am sorry for not following dirrections!!!

Well here it goes…

Facts about Me:

  1. I’m the youngest of five sisters and have no brothers.
  2. I was 5’9″ in the 5th grade and stop growing that year.
  3. Basketball is my favorite sport!
  4. Los Angeles Clippers and Boston Celtics are My favorite teams. Larry Bird fave player!!
  5. I want to travel and the only country other than the USA I have been to is Mexico.
  6. I love to sing so much I got in trouble for singing in the bathroom in kindergarten
  7. In 2006, I went back and checked email (yes, I save email) I fed 250 with 15 hours notice, 4 staff members and a couple hundred bucks. I was a chef/kitchen manager/waitress/bartender/babysitter. I can only imagine how I would have handled this pandemic at the restaurant during this time.
  8. My first kiss was at 5 by a boy named Stevie.
  9. My husband and I dated 2000-2001 and didn’t date again till 2014.
  10. Gardening did not come naturally to me, I killed all plants up until a few years ago.
  11. I went to college to study biological sciences and aspired to become a physician.

Selected Blog Articles:

It’s hard to choose, but if I had to I would go with: Stop by and check them out or one of the many thousands that are out there. There are only three, but I could have listed many more. – just because he is sooo cool and so well traveled! – she posts great stories about cats!!! – He posts very cool videos and he also has some very cool cats!!

I hope you guys do not mind.

Questions for the Curious or any that would like to answer:

I will mix questions from my friends list and questions of my own.

  1. When did you start blogging?
  2. What is your most memorable blogging experience?
  3. Where is the farthest you have traveled?
  4. Do you prefer to travel alone or with someone?
  5. Do you know your neighbor or neighbors?
  6. What is your favorite pastime(s) while traveling?
  7. When was the last time you laughed?
  8. Can you play any musical instruments? What are they?
  9. If you could go to one concert, what would it be?
  10. Have you acquired new skills during this quarantine? What are they?
  11. What makes you smile?

Well, again, my sincerest apologies for not following dirrections. Thank you for including me as it made me feel like I was one of the cool kids!

Have a blessed and beautiful day!

24 Comments Add yours

  1. morishige says:

    Awesome! Thanks for participating. The facts about yourself is so cool! I laughed when reading that your first kiss was when you were 5. I mean, you were a really cool. It takes courage to do so, for kids always yell “cooties” or something. Hahaha.

    Biological science? That’s really cool.

    I’m not supposed to reply to the questions on this comment form, but heck I’m gonna do it anyway. I’m gonna choose some that I haven’t told on my blog.

    3. Where is the farthest you have traveled?
    The farthest was to Nepal. Haven’t got to the neighboring continents yet. But I’d love to in the future.

    4. Do you prefer to travel alone or with someone?
    Most of the time I travel alone. But usually I’m not that alone because I always meet someone cool along the way. And it’s the beauty of traveling, for me.

    5. Do you know your neighbor or neighbors?
    I do know some of them.

    6. What is your favorite pastime(s) while traveling?
    Reading and having conversation with fellow travelers in hostel.

    7. When was the last time you laughed?
    An hour ago while having video call with two of my old friends. 🙂

    8. Can you play any musical instruments? What are they?
    Yes, I can. Guitar, ukulele, and kazoo. I played drums when I was in secondary school. I learnt tremolo harmonica like ten years ago but I don’t play anymore.

    9. If you could go to one concert, what would it be?
    1985 Live Aid. I want to see Queen. 🙂

    10. Have you acquired new skills during this quarantine? What are they?
    Yes, I have. No I can make dalgona coffee. You should try it. It’s easy. 🙂

    11. What makes you smile?
    Small things like dry humor or dog videos on 😀

    Have a wonderful day! 🙂


    1. Good morning! I commented on the questions from those questions. Thank you again for participating 🙂 That was fun!

      Awesome! Thanks for participating.
      The facts about yourself is so cool!

      I laughed when reading that your first kiss was when you were 5.
      I mean, you were a really cool. It takes courage to do so, for kids always yell “cooties” or something. Hahaha. Yes, he was a friend of my parents, that is how I remember. They used to joke that we were going to get married…Parents must stop doing that to kids.

      Biological science? That’s really cool. –I dropped out of formal college at 25. I was at Cal State Los Angeles. My major was Biology. I was about to have my 3rd child and husband was not working and disabled. SO had to stop. Would not have changed anything. I went to a trade school became a surgical tech-finished school in 97. Dd not become a tech…long story….and

      I’m not supposed to reply to the questions on this comment form, but heck I’m gonna do it anyway. – I prefer this way better, really…sorry!!

      I’m gonna choose some that I haven’t told on my blog.
      3. Where is the farthest you have traveled? Wow. So Have you or are you going to hike to Everest? Are you ever afraid to travel alone?

      The farthest was to Nepal. Haven’t got to the neighboring continents yet. But I’d love to in the future. If I were your Mom I would be so proud and scared at the same time!!!

      4. Do you prefer to travel alone or with someone?
      Most of the time I travel alone. But usually I’m not that alone because I always meet someone cool along the way. And it’s the beauty of traveling, for me. I think I would prefer to travel alone because I spend time by myself studying things. Maybe trying to get a story.

      5. Do you know your neighbor or neighbors?
      I do know some of them. That is cool. We do not know our neighbors. I would like to meet ours.

      6. What is your favorite pastime(s) while traveling?
      Reading and having conversation with fellow travelers in hostel. Mine is EATING!!! Food tells lots about a culture…just saying…

      7. When was the last time you laughed?
      An hour ago while having video call with two of my old friends. 🙂 Awesome…laughing is essential…

      8. Can you play any musical instruments? What are they?
      Yes, I can. Guitar, ukulele, and kazoo. I played drums when I was in secondary school. I learnt tremolo harmonica like ten years ago but I don’t play anymore. That is so cool. I feel like such an underachiever. I do not play any instruments. ☹

      9. If you could go to one concert, what would it be?
      1985 Live Aid. I want to see Queen. 🙂 That was a cool show. I watched on MTV live-ish.

      10. Have you acquired new skills during this quarantine? What are they?
      Yes, I have. No I can make dalgona coffee. You should try it. It’s easy. 🙂 Hmmmm, Coffeee…must try. I love coffee.

      11. What makes you smile?
      Small things like dry humor or dog videos on 😀 Just like my kids. They love 9gag!
      Thanks again so much! By the way, what is your name or what do you prefer to be called. My name is Michelle, but you answer to Mom, Grama, hey you, Lady, what ever. Have a great day and stay safe…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. morishige says:

        This blog award thing is so fun, isn’t it? 😀

        And my name is Fuji, like the mountain in Japan. But my close friends call me Ajo. You can call me Ajo if you want. 🙂 Well, I guess from now on I can call you Michelle? 😀

        Have a nice day and stay safe! 🙂


      2. Finally! Honestly, I was too embarrassed to ask! After a few exchanges I kind of thought i should ask and then I thought, maybe you told me and I smoke to much weed…ha ha ha ha 🙂 Nice to meet you Fuji. You know Ajo is garlic in Spanish just saying. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. morishige says:

        Hahaha. Me too. Yeah, you know. That thing about culture or something… 🙂 It’s nice to address you with the right name, Michelle. Yes, I do. In fact, I was trekking in Nepal with an Argentinean friend and he laughed when I said “I’m Ajo.” 😀


      4. I laughed too…hehehehe

        Liked by 1 person

      5. morishige says:

        It had to be hard for him not to laugh every time he called me, for three weeks 😀


      6. I promise I will not laugh but we were joking about Shrek this weekend. Not sure if you saw the cartoon but Shrek refered to himself as an onion. Well this weekend, I told hubby, “You are like an Onion” and he said “I have many layers and I am stinky?” and then we started laughing 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      7. morishige says:

        Hahaha… Yeah, Shrek. Was it on the original or the sequel? Well, then. Please send my best regard to my fellow onion 😀


      8. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I will 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Timothy Price says:

    I normally don’t participate in awards. My stage name is El Cheo, which is a curmudgeon in Cuba, and I’m also known as The Timinator among staff and colleagues. However, I’m going to follow morishige’s lead and answer your questions here:

    When did you start blogging? 2010.
    What is your most memorable blogging experience? When WordPress really started to suck.
    Where is the farthest you have traveled? Ravenna, Italy is the most distant from home I would say.
    Do you prefer to travel alone or with someone? With Laurie. We make our own travel plans and wing it a lot. I can’t deal with packaged travel or groups. We’re free spirits, can’t deal with other people’s schedules, and too interested in cultural things most people are not interested in.
    Do you know your neighbor or neighbors? Some of them. But most people keep to themselves out here.
    What is your favorite pastime(s) while traveling? Exploring, finding local music, local art, and cultural happenings.
    When was the last time you laughed? This morning.
    Can you play any musical instruments? What are they? Yes. Guitar.
    If you could go to one concert, what would it be? Difficult to say on this question. I would like to see Billy Momo perform. I love their music and videos.
    Have you acquired new skills during this quarantine? What are they? No. We are hermits and not a lot has changed that much for us.
    What makes you smile? Lots of things. Cats, owls, beavers, pterodactyls (great blue heron), snakes, lizards, spiders, bullfrogs, nature in general. Good snarky sarcasm and clever comments.


    1. Hi Timothy,

      Normally, I don’t either but the young man that sent it to me has been most gracious and I have enjoyed getting to know him through these exchanges. It is almost like traveling without leaving my home. Thank you so much for answering, you most certainly didn’t have to, really.

      I will also answer these questions along with Morishige’s Monday morning. I just wanted to make a quick check in, as I hate to be rude since you were so nice as to respond. I mentioned to Morishige that it’s my hubby’s birthday today and we are celebrating as best as possible.

      El CHeo – Hmmm isn’t that a dictator? Or writer? Poet? I will have to look that one up. I want to respond to both of your answers with comments…Sorry…it’s that controller/accountant thing.

      Have a lovely day and be well…MK

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Timothy Price says:

        El Cheo has different meanings depending. A Cuban gave me my name.


      2. I got to sneak away for a bit. WHen I googled El Cheo – Cheo Feliciano came up. Very cool. I have been looking at a youtube of the song el raton. It is gorgeousness. I see a smokey club on a beach somewhere….Wow. You did say that you played flamenco.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Timothy Price says:

        Yes. I played falmenco. I just reposted a video that the Anger Beavers and I did a couple of years ago. While looking for the original beaver video to edit, I found an old video of a flamenco performance that we did years ago. The video is really poor quality, but the sound isn’t bad, so I’m thinking about posting it one of these days.


      4. I loved the whole post and the video! I am intrigued. It looks like you live in a forest or wooded area. How lucky for you! Looks like beavers, trout or catfish, and peacocks. Not mentioning that thing on your computer as I have a fear of those.

        Do post it, I have been reposting my husbands past band footage from 30 years ago. His kids have not seen it. We are transferring it from VHS to DVD as VCRs are getting scarce. Some of the videos are almost too far gone to save.

        Oh yeah giving you a dolly update. I tried very unsuccessfully. I understand why she uses wigs. With back pain I had trouble with pain and I have lots of hair. When this pandemic is over, there will be one happy beautician as I will have to pay someone to d o my hair.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Timothy Price says:

        We are in the high desert, but we live in the Rio Grande valley against the river, so there the “Bosque” a cottonwood forest that runs on on both sides of the river. The Bosque is only about 500 feet wide on either side of the river.


    2. Sorry, I am slow on answering messages. It seems that I have been blogging on WP for over a year and in the past month, this is the most communication that anyone has made with me – People that I personally know and strangers on the internet. I knew that if I kept being me and writing this writers block and block in communication that I was experiencing would clear up. I think I mentioned to the other WP reader that I have anxiety issues as well (clingy hubby does not help either). Anyhow, sorry about that, just a little ‘splaining.
      Cool about the nick name. Glad it had nothing to do with a Communist leader.
      However, I would love to go to Cuba as I lov the music and the culture.
      The TImmonator? I suppose you used to close out by saying “You’ll be baack?” Sorry, could not help myself…chuckling.
      You have been blogging here for quite a long time. I have had a blog on Myspace and then it disappeared ☹ I still have one at blogspot but that one Is more candid about my private life. Thank goodness for that as I am more Jane there and anonymous in that one.

      When did WP start to suck? I only have a handful o followers and I only follow people I really am interested in so I really do like it. I have found some cool stuff. I used to like FB because my “friends and family” were there, but then I really saw who they were. I still use it though because of friends and family though as there are people that really do care about and I do want to see what they ate for breakfast or how they painted their nails or how their garden is growing.

      Italy! That is so cool and how lucky!
      That is cool that you know your neighbors. Hubby is a homebody and not one for being social. Me I used to work at a bar and I love to gab….can ya tell?

      Cool, I laugh every day, mostly at my animals and my hubby. He is a joke….kidding.
      Wow, you have more pets than we do. Plus, you have all that wildlife around you! We do have little lizards and hummingbirds. Right now, we have had bumble bees and butterflies buzzing around the garden. It’s been great.

      I saw that you mention blue heron. i recorded one in laughlin on our last trip. That is so cool that you and your wife enjoy each others company in travel as that is tricky business. Travel can sometimes make or break a relationship.

      Thank you, that was fun. Have a great day and I will catch up on the rest of the messages and also looking for old parts for a30 year old Epiphone electric guitar I am restoring. Hubby just gifted it to me this weekend. Yeah, some people give diamonds…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Timothy Price says:

        When I first started blogging, I had a nice simple layout that showed my phots much larger, posting was quick and easy and I had few problems with WP. Then they started changing things for the sake of changing things. My layout was taken away, posting becme more difficult, almost impossible at times, the reader went down hill, and WP went from a decent experience to a freaking nightmare. I abandoned it for a couple of years for the blog on my photo site, but then Zenfolio started having major issues, so I switched back to WP. I find very little to like about WP these days.


      2. Yeah, I get that about the photo posting it does suck. I do need to upgrade and do not want to pay for that yet. I have not tried zenfolio. I have tried photoblog but lost interest there. I should revisit it.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Timothy Price says:

        I have a lot of followers and they don’t transfer easily. I was going to do a self hosted WP site, but then we discovered there was no way to transfer followers, or at least WP was no going to allow me to transfer followers, and I would have to rebuild followers from scratch. I decided to stayed on WP hosted and moved to a paid account so I could post videos.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Oh. Lucky for me I do not have many followers. I am not worried about building followers, I like when I get new ones but worry that I may alienate someone since I am so inconsistent. It get rough with my health sometimes. I hope to upgrade to so I can post videos instead of having to upload them to youtube first. Heck I am already out of space for photos. I keep having to delete old ones.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Timothy Price says:

        The secret on photos is to convert them to low res jpegs. Most of my photos are well under 200Kb each. Until I started up loading videos and music files last year, in 9 years of posting thousands of images I had only used up 20% of my space on WP. Videos and music files are a different story. Now I used up to about 40% of the space under the current plan.


      6. Oh, I did start saving them in smaller files and and noticed that I have been hovering around 98% I may go back and delete the first few months of posts or copy and save them just for memories.

        Liked by 1 person

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