I want it!

Howdy! You made it to July 9, 2021. This morning, before the sun rose, I turned on the TV, clicked on Youtube and searched for an exercise video to exercise along to as I restart exercising in the morning, again. Talk about having a Ground Hogs Day moment in my life! For the last few days, my mind said, “Yes, you can get off the sofa and move!” but my body said, “Oh no you can’t and won’t!” This morning, I had to fight my body but I did it! 28 minutes or so of exercise and I am still here to write about it!

This is Jenny and she is a great instructor!

I found Jenny McClendon’s Youtube channel when I was searching for easy exercise routines that I could do as a person with mobility and balance issues. The first video I watched and worked out to was a line dance video. It was so much fun that I did it everyday for a few weeks. I can now do the electric slide!!! I just viewed her introduction video and she indicates that her videos are made for active seniors and beginners. I have balance and walking issues because of of my spine and it’s missing discs. For anyone looking for some fun and do-able workouts, Do check out her channel.

I am not squinting to see, I am trying to keep the sweat out of my eyes!

That was day one and looking forward to day two. I can do this!

Last night, we did not go out to Fantasy Springs to see Sarah Winchester. Sad face. I was all prepared to go sit inside the lounge but saw that it was moved to the Rock Yard. We kept checking the weather to see if the temps would get lower but it was 103 up until 8 PM and I knew that walking from the parking lot to sit in the Rock Yard was going to leave me a sweaty mess. I am sure that the show was great as she always puts on a good performance but hopefully next time she is in town I will be able to catch her and her band. Also, I hope that they get to play indoors and not in the heat. Those stage lights seem to add 5 to 10 degrees and that stage has many lights.

Oh, I have forgotten to mention that Hubby and I will be going to the Fabulous Forum on August 19 to see the Black Crowes! I guess if I had to choose our first indoor concert since before the pandemic, then this was a good one. Hubby has seen them several times and I have only seen Chris Robinson perform once in Pioneer Town at Pappy and Harriet’s. I am counting down the days and hopefully, if I can slim down those new squishy places on my body I can get a new outfit!

This was taken at Pappy & Harriet’s. I was still using a walker and it was hard to stand and shoot photos.
One of my favorites…

Any-who, just checking in, trying to get back to a schedule again. It did work mapping out my activity for the day and recording it so that I can see the progress, so time to get back on schedule. Lucky for me, I did not gain any weight in the last month or so as I know the exercise was helping greatly. Even though my weight did not move I have noticed that my clothes are fitting snuggly in a few places on my body. Again, I am glad that my buddy Terrie got me motivated! It was hard not to when I have seen that she has been out moving, even in her weather which she has mentioned is humid. This is day one on this repeat journey. We can do this! I need a little musical motivation from the 80’s and what is not to love about Olivia Newton John?

I’m gonna get physical!

Oh my, just hearing those clicks and guitar licks makes my waist start to twist and and move to the beat. Try to not move when listening, I dare you! Time for me to get moving on to something else, like things I have been putting off like thinning out my closets. By the way, if you are looking for things to do but you don’t want to leave the house? Try going through your closets. Right now many of the thrift stores that are operated by churches and school groups and even homeless shelter are in need of your stuff! you know, those things that you no longer have a use for or no longer fits or maybe out of style but still have lots of life left in it. Also, in need right now are portable food items as I saw a post from Martha’s Village in Indio. Do check out their website to see if you have any items that they need. Just another way to feel good.

To you dear reader where ever you are and what ever you are going through, you can do it! Have peaceful and cool day. Hugs to you and you and especially to you grumpy pants over there!

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Jane Hardin says:

    I started my routine back in March of 2020. I had to start small and work my way back up. I use Leslie Sansone on YouTube. She has many different levels of walking and the best part is you do it in your own home. I love it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Way to go! I see you started in march 2020! I have been starting slow as well, but it seems that if I skip a few days then it get super tough to get back into the swing of things.

      I will check her out! I do like changing up the routines as it keeps me from getting bored and learning new routines is great for keeping the mind sharp!

      Thank you for you comments as I appreciate them! Have a lovely day.



  2. Congratulations on your workout! I was walking at least a mile a day until it got too friggin hot. And sorry you didn’t get to enjoy Sarah, but I’m with you about it just being too hot to sit outside even at night.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It wore me out though.

      I know what you mean about walking in this heat. I have been taking our dog out for her morning walks before the sunrises and it is only 85 degrees. She will be back again soon and hopefully the conditions are better and not so humid and hot.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. terrie gura says:

    Who you callin’ Grumpy Pants? 😂

    I love that you are sharing your workouts. There’s something so helpful about having a buddy to motivate, and that goes both ways! Keep on dancing! 💃🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ha ha ha! There is always a grumpy pants out there in the world and I think I used to call my sons that when they were little so maybe I was thinking about that.

    I have to agree that there is definitely a big plus to having a buddy to check in with 🙂 BTW, I slept hard last night, another perk of working out. 🙂

    Thanks for the invite to hang out with you guys (virtually) I have never watched any of those watch parties with people I knew. Made it fun!


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