Have Fun With It

The Universe obviously has a sense of humor. Why you ask? I looked at the sky a month ago and asked for something good to come my way, a little glimmer of light…

A few weeks ago I started posting photos on Instagram from past shoots that I had done with my husband and my girlfriends. These were done last year in hopes of drawing attention to my fledgling photography business. Last week, I received a message through Instagram asking if I was available for a shoot.  I jumped at the chance as I needed fresh work to post and didn’t care if it was a paid gig.  Usually, I research the person and I plan meticulously.  I figured, they researched me and she had mentioned that she had specific items that she needed to be photographed, so I didn’t stew about it. You see, I have received several messages through Instagram requesting my services only to be stood up, just like I was for my prom.  This time, I am happy to report that my “date” showed up!  Let me tell you, this girl was a real professional.  Poised, gracious and I can see her hosting her own show or as a spokesperson.  Her name is Ashley Reinke. Watch out for this rising star.  It had been almost a year since I had done a shoot like this but it’s just like riding a bike.  With every shoot, whether it’s live music or a lifestyle shoot, I go by the feel of the subject I am shooting.  I often get these ads that pop up when I am surfing the internet for online classes teaching posing techniques or offers of discounts on photo pre-sets, do yourselves a favor, do not buy into those folks!  Go out and shoot!  Shoot with reckless abandon! Do learn about your camera, that is a must.  I lightly edit most photos and may change the colors or take out that parked car in my sight but I would never add clouds and such.  Not my thang.  Echoes of, “Have fun with it.” still linger in my head during each and every shoot.  These are words of wisdom that a wise woman once bestowed upon me.  The wise lady was Sue Bruen.  She was a chef at the Brass Elephant in Monrovia, CA.  I was a cocktail waitress there and took over her duties when she quit. I had no idea how to cook but did become the chef/kitchen manager at that restaurant for a spell.  So, with her voice echoing in my head and in everything I do that I have no idea which direction I am going I just have fun with it.

To you reading this, have a fabulous day wherever you are. Be someone’s light…


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